Five years in the making...

Back in 2011, I was working with my friends at BEAT DOWN BOOGIE on their hit Web Series Modern War Gear Solid. Micah asked me if I'd be interested in building a big cardboard Mech Suit for the final episode [Cardboard Gear]. Unfortunately I was very busy at the time and couldn't do it, but the idea stuck with me. I decided to have a go at this project in April 2016. This was a fun opportunity for me to do something really different. I wanted to emphasize the plain cardboard look which I thought would be really cool. This costume was created entirely out of recycled cardboard boxes, with a bit of foam padding inside and velcro strips to attach the various pieces together. It was all assembled with hot melt glue. The legs are built around a pair of costume platform boots. 

This was a really fun and surprisingly challenging project. A flat material like cardboard becomes very interesting once you begin to fold and layer it. It can actually become quite sturdy when put together! This costume was completed in about 20 hours over about four months. I worked on this one at home in the evenings siting at the kitchen table. If you're looking to do a cool costume but don't have a workshop or money for expensive materials, consider grabbing a pile of cardboard boxes and going to work. A hot glue gun, hobby knife, cutting mat and a ruler are all you need!